Community Love From OGKICKS

Community Love From OGKICKS

We’ve received a lot of love from the community since we opened our first store in 2020, and we figured it’s once again time we gave some of that love back.

That’s why one of our resident sneaker experts and all-around heart of gold, Shammy, took to the streets armed with a stack of North Face jackets this week to help make the winter a little less bleak for some of Brighton’s homeless.

As 1-in-4 households around the UK become at risk of homelessness, we figured that this was an issue that can’t just be swept under the mat. Anyone of us could end up on the streets, and a small gift of warmth from a stranger could make all the difference.

Many faces – including ours – were lit up that day as those from the homeless community traded their favourite things about Brighton for the puffer jackets that should give them a chance at keeping just a little bit warmer this winter.

At the end of the day, we’d given away over 25 and met some truly amazing characters along the way. We’d like to give a big thank-you to everyone we met during our outings, and we’re eager to get out there again soon and spread that love even further!

Whilst the North Face Jackets were just a small token of our appreciation for the local community, Brighton-based homelessness charities such as the Clock Tower Sanctuary (CTS) are doing this incredible work five days a week. You can find their website here, and find out what you could do to help some of the most disadvantaged people in our area.

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